ArchiStrut is a digital tool for calculating and designing structures using the finite element method, for academic purposes.
ArchStruct is especially aimed to the teaching of structures for future architects, allowing them to visualize the structural behaviour of the buildings in terms of their deformations and tensions, without the need to deepen their mathematical skills.
ArchiStrut performs the following tasks in a given Structure:
• Calculation of reduced efforts and tensions, using the finite element method
• Dimensioning in simple materials and in reinforced concrete
• This dimensioning allows some optimization of the project sections and profiles
The geometries accepted by ArchiStrut allow the treatment of most 2D and 3D structures, with linear, laminar and volumetric finite elements, with the possibility of mixing some types, as long as they are compatible in their degrees of freedom.
There are geometry generator aids that allow to simplify the geometric modeling of the structure under study.
It is possible not to declare the dimensions of the sections and profiles to be used, but rather maximum and minimum limits for the dimensions of the sections, or groups of profiles. The program is responsible for finding the best solution for sizing, within the desired limits.
Types of Materials
It is possible to study structures made of:
• steel and other simple materials
• reinforced concrete
• and mixed materials (a structure can have elements made of different materials, but each element can only have one material)
In addition to the actions on the nodes, there are auxiliaries for actions distributed on the elements, including temperature variations
There is an assistant for seismic calculation, using the Rayleigh method
Support conditions
Structures can have various types of restrictions on the degrees of freedom at nodes (translations and rotations).
These impediments to movement can be:
• total (zero movement)
• fixed movement
• or elastic supports
Combination of actions
It’s possible to introduce several combinations, each with a support condition and with several actions, each with a weight factor.
Calculation, dimensioning and optimization are carried out together.
Dimensioning can be carried out for the envelope of combinations
Can be obtained, throughout the structure, the values of:
• deformations
• reduced efforts
• tensions
The result of the dimensioning is also displayed. However, this is only carried out in broad strokes (apparent dimensions of the concrete and steel profiles) without any detailed drawing.
ArchiStrut is not intended as a productivity tool for engineering, but as an aid to architecture students' understanding of the behavior of structures.