Concinnitas is a cooperative society that brings together researchers, either exclusive members or from various companies, universities and research centers.
Most of them are PhDs.
Concinnitas is a non-profit social company. Its objectives are innovation, research and development in the joint areas of built environment and information and communication technologies.
Among its activities are the following:
Production of digital tools for Architecture, whether standard or applied to special case studies
Organization of scientific symposia, conferences, fairs and other similar events
Organization of and teaching in workshops and other educational activities
Publishing, namely books, magazines and other publications
Production of scientific papers
Scientific and technical consultancy in Architecture and Urbanism
Production of R&D studies either on its own initiative or on commission
Information service activities, data processing, information hosting, web portals and other information service activities,
Production of multimedia content, films, video, sound, photography design
One of the main concerns of Concinnitas is the production of digital tools for Architecture, whether they are:
standard software applications, applicable in many case studies,
or custom-developed digital tools, dedicated to a specific problem.
Cyberoikos is an intelligent system, with hardware and software components, for managing smart buildings and urban spaces.
The Cyberoikos system is under commercial exploitation.
In the CyberOikos page, information can also be consulted, about:
Conceptual Models of the digital tool
Physical and Logical Global Deployment
DepthSpace3D is a digital tool for SCAVA (Space Configuration, Accessibility and Visibility Analisys) of 3D spaces.
DepthSpace3D is similar to 2D software applications like DepthMapX. It can deal with the analysis of 3D spatial configuration, visibility and accessibility.
DepthSpace3D is free to use.
In the WEB Site, it's possible to:
Download the software
Download the Handbook
Information can also be consulted, about:
Conceptual and Operational Models of the digital tool
Results Presentation
Special Features
Portfolio of works using DepthSpace3D
... and much more ...
ArchiStrut, a digital tool for calculating and designing structures using the finite element method, for academic purposes.
ArchStruct is especially aimed to the teaching of structures for future architects, allowing them to visualize the structural behaviour of the buildings in terms of their deformations and tensions, without the need to deepen their mathematical skills.
In the ArchiStrut page, you can:
download the Manual
consult the information about the features of the application
Concinnitas is the ideal partner for those who want to develop scientific software and do not have the necessary qualified human resources.
Over the years, Concinnitas members have participated in the organizing and scientific committees of multiple scientific events.
They share extensive experience in organizing these types of events.
Particularly significant is the organization of the FMA Symposia series.
Members of Concinnitas are the regular chairs of the series of Symposia ‘Formal Methods in Architecture’ that have been taking place biennially since 2011.
Symposia "Formal Methods in Architecture"
In the WEB Site, information can be consulted about:
Sientific Fields and target audience
The past 6 editions
All the papers by title or by author
The books of proceedings
The YouTube channel with all the sessions
... and much more ...
The 7th edition of the Syposia "Formal Methods in Architecture" will take place in December 2024, in the city of Porto - Portugal.
7th Symposium "Formal Methods in Architecture"
Porto 2024
In the WEB Site, information can be consulted about:
News of the 7FMA
Call for Papers
Key Dates
Registration and Papers submission
Keynote Speakers
Concinnitas is able to participate in the organization of scientific events, in its fields of interest.
We are also interested in finding partners to hold future editions of the Symposia series, in other cities.
Please contact to establish partnerships to hold those events.
Concinnitas is also concerned with the availability of large knowledge bases as well as its analytical processing.
The ways in which Concinnitas relates to information include:
Formalization of data in DBMS - data base management systems,
either on its own initiative, applicable in many case studies,
or custom-developed, dedicated to information provided by a stakeholder
and the use and handling of large public databases to integrate the analyzes carried out by Concinnitas in its scientific studies.
IHU is a knowledge base that collects historical information about social neighborhoods in Lisbon
It is available for public access for research work.
It contains data from the "Survey on Urban Housing", conducted during the 1970s in Portugal by LNEC (Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil).
it remains a unique example of an exhaustive sociological field survey on the topic of the relationship between families and domestic environments.
IHU - Survey on Urban Housing
In the WEB Site, it's possible to:
Download the IHU Data Base in SQL Server Format
Download the IHU Data Base in MS-Access Format with a lot of other tools
Information can also be consulted, about:
49 different house plans, each with Space Syntax and other spatial analyzes
279 households and their uses by the inhabitants.
The Data Base Structure
Some sociological and atrchitectural analysis
This is an example of a knowledge base created for a LIA research process, with a view to developing parts for fixing ventilated facades.
Here a systematization of commercially available systems is made. This information is then made available on the WEB and is useful for architecture students and professionals.
Ventilated Facades
In the WEB Site, it's possible to consult information about:
Commercial products
Characteristics and Features
Links to Resources
Concinnitas has all the means and is available to develop structured knowledge bases.
Concinnitas can perform analytical studies on data with the latest statistical analysis and machine learning tools.